Si informa che Enel Distribuzione ha comunicato che lunedì 17 luglio 2023, dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 15:00, per consentire l’esecuzione di lavori su impianti elettrici, verrà interrotta l’erogazione della corrente elettrica su diverse zone del centro cittadino. In particolare: PIAZZA F.M. BELTRAMI, VIA VERDI, VIA EGRO DI MEZZO, VIA F.LLI DI DIO, VIA DE ANGELI, VIA DE AMICIS, VIA CARDUCCI E VIA TITO SPERI. Per i particolari consultare il documento all’allegato. Omegna, 12/07/2023 IL SINDACO Daniele BERIO Operatore: Ass. RICCI Roberto
- your contact has been registered by the organization among the possible recipients (information on data processing is available by contacting the Organization directly)
- you have subscribed to the Public Alerts portal (https://publicalerts.nowtice.it) - information on data processing is available at the following link: https://privacy.regola.it/solutions/nowtice-public_alerts/PublicAlerts-PrivacyPolicy_EN.pdf
- you have decided to use the FlagMii App (https://en.flagmii.it/#download) - information on data processing is available at the following link: https://privacy.regola.it/solutions/flagmii-app/FlagMiiApp-PrivacyPolicy_EN.pdf
- you have decided to use another application integrated into the nowtice system - information on data processing is available directly on the application or by contacting the application provider themselves