ORDINANZA 98 del 02/12/2024 CMRC Modifica della disciplina di transito PROROGA
Prorogato il limite temporale di validità sino al 31/12/2024 dell' ORDINANZA 98 del 02/12/2024 CMRC : S.P. 217 VIA DEI LAGHI Km 6+620 - intersezione S.P. 216 Maremmana III Modifica della disciplina di transito ALL’INTERSEZIONE TRA LA S.P. VIA DEI LAGHI (Km 6+620) E LA S.P. MAREMMANA III in orario diurno e/o notturno come da allegata planimetria delle fasi lavorative e secondo la tempistica in essa indicata, con istituzione di restringimenti di carreggiata, deviazioni, obblighi e divieti
- your contact has been registered by the organization among the possible recipients (information on data processing is available by contacting the Organization directly)
- you have subscribed to the Public Alerts portal (https://publicalerts.nowtice.it) - information on data processing is available at the following link: https://privacy.regola.it/solutions/nowtice-public_alerts/PublicAlerts-PrivacyPolicy_EN.pdf
- you have decided to use the FlagMii App (https://en.flagmii.it/#download) - information on data processing is available at the following link: https://privacy.regola.it/solutions/flagmii-app/FlagMiiApp-PrivacyPolicy_EN.pdf
- you have decided to use another application integrated into the nowtice system - information on data processing is available directly on the application or by contacting the application provider themselves