Allerta METEO Colore GIALLA - Criticità ORDINARIA - Tipo rischio IDROGEOLOGICO - Livello ATTENZIONE
Dalla tarda mattinata di domani, 13/12/2024 e per le successive 24-36 ore sono previste precipitazioni sparse, anche a carattere di rovescio o temporale, con quantitativi cumulati da deboli a moderati, specie sui settori costieri
- your contact has been registered by the organization among the possible recipients (information on data processing is available by contacting the Organization directly)
- you have subscribed to the Public Alerts portal ( - information on data processing is available at the following link:
- you have decided to use the FlagMii App ( - information on data processing is available at the following link:
- you have decided to use another application integrated into the nowtice system - information on data processing is available directly on the application or by contacting the application provider themselves