This alert is to be considered valid
L'ufficio Tributi ricorda che lunedì 17 giugno scade il termine per il pagamento dell'acconto imu anno 2024. Per eventuali informazioni rivolgersi all'ufficio Tributi al numero 0119450114 interno 6
If you have received the link to this communication by e-mail, SMS or other channel, it means that the sending Organization is using the nowtice alert system ( and one of the following possibilities has occurred:
- your contact has been registered by the organization among the possible recipients (information on data processing is available by contacting the Organization directly)
- you have subscribed to the Public Alerts portal ( - information on data processing is available at the following link:
- you have decided to use the FlagMii App ( - information on data processing is available at the following link:
- you have decided to use another application integrated into the nowtice system - information on data processing is available directly on the application or by contacting the application provider themselves